Nakon 83 godine duge tradicije, Polaroid je intenzivno radio na automatskoj štampi, posebno tokom prošle decenije. Poslednji instant paket, Polaroid Now, zamenio je pređašnju OneStep Plus verziju, i tako označio budućnost kompanije, kao analogni foto-aparat sa “Now” i-Type filmom u boji.

Pored i-Type filma, u paketu dolazi još jedan za crno-bele fotografije. Ostale funkcije obuhvataju dopunski taster za aktiviranje tajmera, opciju duple eksplozije, izdržljiviju bateriju, autofokus, koji dozvoljava da se brzo prebacite sa landscape na portrait mod i obrnuto.

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This is Polaroid — now. ⁣ ⁣ Today is the next step in our 82-year journey. From The Impossible Project to Polaroid Originals, we are returning to where it all began. With the one name, the one brand: Polaroid. ⁣ ⁣ How we look changes, but what we stand for doesn’t. Analog instant photography remains the heartbeat of what we do. We will continue to create products that bring people together in human and meaningful ways through considered content, product innovation, and the way we do business. A mission that is incredibly important, especially now. ⁣ ⁣ Over the next few days, we’ll share even more about our new instant camera. But for now, thank you for your support — no matter where you joined us in this journey. Together, we can make history… again.⁣ #polaroid

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Polaroid Now je pogodan da se koristi pomoću jedne ruke. Dimenzije tastera i opcija su dovoljno velike, prilagođene različitoj starosnoj grupi korisnika. Inovativan izgled obeležen je duginim bojama.

– Početak ove decenije je novo poglavlje u Polaroidu. To je trenutak da proslavimo bogato nasleđe dok istovremeno gledamo pravo u budućnost. Polaroid identitet u 2020. godini reflektuje jedinstven dizajn – izjavio je Oskar Smolokowski, CEO kompanije.

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