Ako ste, kao i mi, ponekad prezasićeni lošim vestima, poraznim statistikama i žalopojkama, što privatnim, što dragih ljudi, vreme je da osećaj nezaobilazne propasti sveta zamenimo zahvalnošću za sve ono dobro što imamo i malo za promenu, dobrim vestima. S tom je mišlju umetnik i novinar Mauro Gatti osnovao The Happy Broadcast, stranicu na kojoj objavljuje i ilustruje često malo poznate, ali uvek dobre vesti, koje će vam zasigurno, bar na trenutak, dati osećaj nade u bolje sutra.

Ilustrovanjem nedavnih ekoloških, medicinskih i društvenih napredaka civilizacije kao što su činjenica da je Holandija službeno postala prva zemlja bez pasa lutalica ili da su naučnici pronašli način da sve krvne grupe konvertuju u grupu 0 koja je univerzalni donor, Gatti nudi alternativu crnoj hronici i pozitivan pogled na stanje stvari.

Sreća je velikim delom stvar perspektive, tako da se udobno smestite i dopustite da vas preplavi osjećaj veselja i spokoja u samo nekoliko sekundi. Za trajnije rezultate i redovne senzacije mira, kao i dobre vesti iz svih krajeva sveta preporučujemo da zapratite The Happy Broadcast na društvenim mrežama.

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Chemical pesticides have turned out to be another man-made disaster, as its effect on humans and the environment has been found to be as deadly as on pests. So some farmers in China, Japan, France, and other countries looked back on the traditional way of controlling pests and found using ducks, to be the most effective way. This method of integrated farming, i.e. ‘rice-duck farming’ has been documented 600 years ago. Apart from eating the pests, the wading or waddling of the ducks through the mud oxygenates water and stirs up layers of soil. Their droppings act as a natural fertilizer. All these benefits make these ducks a viable alternative to pesticides! Source: Eco Friend (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #duck #rice #farming #china #japan #pesticides

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👉 Tag your friends in the comments to let them know about @ecosia . Let’s plant some trees! Fires are raging at a record rate in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, and scientists warn that it could strike a big blow to the fight against climate change. @ecosia is a new search engine that plants trees through online searches. Their business model is simple: donate 80% of their profits towards planting trees. So far they have planted more than 65 MILLION TREES! And now they’re committed to plant 1 MILLION trees in Brazil to counter all the losses cause by the fire. So here’s a little to-do list for my Happy broadcasters: 1) 👉 Tag your friends in the comments. The more people know about @ecosia , the more trees they will plant 2) 🌲 Get the @ecosia free browser extension and plant trees with every search Thank you! Source: Ecosia (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #art #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #ecosia #brazil #rainforest #trees #amazon #wildfire #prayforamazonia

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